Navigating Effects of New Commute on Car Insurance

Navigating Effects of New Commute on Car Insurance

Many Canadians drove less during the pandemic because they worked from home. However, new work arrangements, such as hybrid work models (working both in the office and at home) and a return to full-time in-office work, have altered many drivers’ commutes.
This means that there are more vehicles on the road than in previous years, with many commuters increasing their distance. Your present mode of transportation has an impact on your insurance policy.

Here’s how :

1. More automobiles on the road means more accidents:

Since the pandemic, fewer Canadians have used public transport, and the majority prefer to commute by own vehicle. According to a recent "How we Live" research from Aviva Canada, 70% of those working on-site drive to work, with 80% driving the same or more than they did before the epidemic. The report also discovered a reduction in the utilisation of public transport. Overall, there will be more automobiles on the road, raising your chances of being involved in an accident and having to file an insurance claim. The greater the number of insurance claims, the higher the insurance premiums.

2. You can save money by using Usage Based Insurance:

If you plan to drive a lot more, now is the time to take advantage of usage-based insurance (UBI), which is available from several Canadian insurers. You save money just by joining up for UBI or pay-as-you-drive insurance programmes, and you may adjust your insurance payments based on how effectively you drive. It's also meant to make roads safer by recording your driving habits and alerting you to any unsafe driving behaviors.

3. You can save money by updating your auto insurance:

Your insurance coverage is determined by the number of kilometres you travel in a given year. Whether your commute has changed, your work address has changed, or you've started carpooling, it's critical to speak with your broker about revising your insurance policy to reflect any changes. Your premiums will be changed as a result.

4. You can save money by renewing your auto insurance:

Talk to your broker about your options before renewing your insurance coverage. You may even be able to save money by combining your house and auto insurance policies. Your broker will assist you in reviewing commute changes and other changes to ensure you have the greatest coverage at the cheapest price.

When it comes to car insurance, Akan Insurance can be your go-to brokerage company for comprehensive coverage. With a proven track record of reliable service and customer satisfaction, Akan Insurance offers tailored insurance solutions to meet your specific needs.


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