Fleet Insurance


Auto Fleet Insurance in Edmonton

Perhaps your business owns or leases a fleet of cars, vans, trucks, or trailers. For any business with more than 5 vehicles, auto fleet insurance is an absolute necessity. Auto fleet insurance policies come with protections for the potential accidents or liability issues your business may face. It not only protects your vehicles but also provides the convenience of a single renewal date.

How much does Fleet Insurance cost?

The price of fleet insurance will depend on many factors, including

Your insurance and claims history
Your driving record
The number of vehicles you’re insuring
The value, make, model, and year of the vehicle(s)
Where you operate your business
The type of coverage

Auto fleet insurance can be a costly proposition, by opting for the right fleet insurance with an expert broker of A-Kan Insurance in Edmonton, you can save yourself and your company’s money while maintaining the complete coverage that you actually need.

You can rely on the fleet insurance experts to help you protect your business and save money too!

Why go with A-Kan Insurance?

We are an insurance broker company based in Edmonton in Alberta. We are associated with more than 50 insurance providers & this makes us confident to help you pick the right insurance policy for your business. A-Kan brokers understands your business very well & offers you insurance coverage at the best rates.

Procure the right fleet insurance at A-Kan & focus only on what you’re good at.

A-Kan Insurance believes in educating people in risk management & thus helps you to choose the right insurance coverage. Our friendly & supportive team is always there to support your business, we’re just a call away.

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