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Contractor Insurance Broker in Edmonton

We at A-Kan Insurance understand that doing a contractor’s job is not an easy task. As a contractor, you hold huge responsibilities.  Managing risks is not an easy task, it is full of stress & anxiety. During the construction of a building, anything can happen. Managing risks like a sudden breakdown of machinery, any accident, bodily (physical) or mental injury, property damage, etc. can cause enormous worry. Dealing with such situations in daily life makes a contractor good at making strategies to handle risks.

Insuring your business under contractor insurance or contractor liability insurance makes you feel at ease. We at A-Kan Insurance specialize in contractor liability insurance & offer customized contractor insurance for your business. Team A-Kan believes in providing quality & thus studies every aspect of your business & then our expert insurance brokers offer you the best solution in Edmonton, Alberta.

A-Kan brokers are confident to support you in choosing the right insurance policy as per your business needs. We have an association with 50+ insurance providers which give you enormous options to choose from. We’re customer-centric & thus are flexible enough to help you with picking appropriate insurance coverage. 

What will be covered under Contractor Liability Insurance?

There are so many things for which you will get covered under contractor liability insurance in Edmonton, Alberta. Here a few of them:


Coverage for your tools at your place of business, at the job site, and in between is included in this section.

Loss of income

This includes the coverage for actual losses sustained if you're unable to conduct business due to an insured loss.


This includes protection for your everyday possessions and property located at your business, including your stock, equipment, and any improvements that you've made to your leased or rented unit.


Coverage for loss of money and securities, as well as employee dishonesty, is included in this section.

Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance

The most common and most important form of coverage for contracting trades is commercial general liability insurance (CGL). It is a business insurance coverage that secures you and your business against common claims, such as third-party property damage, for instance, if any, property of a client of yours gets damaged then they may sue you. Similarly, for example, of bodily injuries, maybe if someone slips & falls on a wet floor, then they can again claim compensation. CGL may cover medical expenses and legal fees also. The contractor insurance policy coverage limit applies to all employees of your business, not each employee. One option to accommodate all of your employees is to increase your limit. Hiring sub-contractors that carry liability insurance is another way to ensure all parties have proper coverage.

Equipment breakdown

Equipment breakdown covers items like water heaters, boilers, mechanical, air conditioning, electrical and electronic equipment at your place of business.

Firefighting expenses

Firefighting expenses cover charges or expenses incurred if a fire department responds to a prairie or forest fire in, on, or exposing your insured property.

Who needs Contractor Insurance in Edmonton?

Any business or independent contractor providing general contracting services needs to protect their company with a contractor insurance policy coverage. Contractor liability insurance protects your business from financial loss.

Why choose us?

A-Kan Insurance is one of the leading insurance broker company in Edmonton, Alberta. We are known for our customer support services. Our association with 50 plus insurance providers makes us confident to help you choose the right insurance coverage for your business.

Procure the right contractor liability insurance at A-Kan & focus only on what you’re good at.

A-Kan Insurance believes in educating people in risk management & thus helps you to choose the right insurance coverage. Our friendly & supportive team is always there to support your business, we’re just a call away.

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