

Career At A-Kan Insurance

When it comes to starting your new career, the company you choose matters a lot. We are a passionate group of insurance brokers based in Edmonton, Alberta. We value our people the most & believe in taking care of them. We understand that their support is the basis of our existence. Our main target is to offer growth opportunities, community involvement & expert training to our team.

You will not only find your dream job at A-Kan Insurance  but will live it also. As we are working with more than 50 insurance providers, this gives you the freedom to deep dive into the industry & grow immensely. We also offer benefit programs and provide our employees with the resources to manage their needs, including vacation, sick, health, professional development, and financial benefits, etc.


We believe in offering the best options for protection to our team & clients.


We constantly analyze investing opportunities & invest in them as well.


We keep a balance in personal/professional life & enjoy ourselves with our team.

Benefits that we offer to our team

We believe in taking care of our team. Here are some significant benefits that we offer to our people.

Benefit Plans
In-house Activities
Financial Perks
Social Events
Expert Training
Immense Growth

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