Cargo Insurance


Cargo Insurance in Edmonton

Transporting goods around the world isn’t without certain risks. And if you’ve ever shipped something internationally, you can understand exactly just how many things could go wrong while goods are in transit. That’s where cargo insurance comes in.

Cargo insurance protects any business that frequently uses the services of a transport or shipping company. It provides a range of different coverage levels, which includes:

Land Cargo Insurance

This coverage is designed for covering land-related transportation including trucks, cars, and other utility vehicles. This insurance is for domestic transportation and operates within the boundaries of a nation. It can be altered to cover international land transport also.

Marine Cargo Insurance

This would cover your goods while carried out in the ship, such as in a shipping container or a vessel. This insurance covers damages due to loading/unloading of cargo, piracies while sailing, weather calamity, or other related perils. Mostly, this insurance is beneficial for international transportation. This is relevant for high-volume shipping companies. Under marine cargo insurance, you may find a range of policies as per the needs and nature of your consignment

Open Cover Cargo Insurance

This provides coverage for all cargo shipped over the course of your policy. Open cover insurance is most commonly purchased by companies that make frequent shipments to protect goods over multiple consignments.

Specific Cargo Insurance

This coverage is ideal for an especially high-value consignment, like large order fulfillment or a restocking shipment. Your goods will be covered from the time it leaves until the time it arrives at their destination.

Cargo insurance offers financial protection against

Harms due to inappropriate packaging
Abandonment of cargo
Deceitfulness of employees
Harms due to collision
Harms due to bad weather, sinking, derailment
Theft or Piracy
Fire damage & explosion
Strikes, malicious damage
Storm, flood, cyclone, inundation
Earth-quake, burglary, accidental physical loss or damage
Impact by any rail /road vehicle

Why go with A-Kan insurance?

With the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, cargo shipments are projected to increase over the next few years. This significantly increases the chance of mishaps, which makes comprehensive cargo insurance essential. A-Kan Insurance is Edmonton’s leading specialist in creating custom cargo insurance policies that meet all the needs of our clients.

Our commitment to excellence and passion for an unmatched customer experience make us the best commercial insurance broker for businesses looking to get coverage. We have decades of experience in providing customized policies at the best possible rates.

Looking for customized cargo insurance in Edmonton? Contact A-Kan Insurance and get peace of mind

Procure the right cargo insurance at A-Kan & focus only on what you’re good at.

A-Kan Insurance believes in educating people in risk management & thus helps you to choose the right insurance coverage. Our friendly & supportive team is always there to support your business, we’re just a call away.

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