Trampoline Park Insurance

Comprehensive Coverage tailored for trampoline park owners

Trampoline Insurance in Alberta

Jump into worry-free fun with Akan Insurance, your go-to partner for reliable Trampoline Insurance Solutions in Edmonton, Alberta. As Trampoline Parks continue to provide exhilarating experiences, Akan Insurance ensures that park owners have the necessary coverage to bounce confidently in the face of potential risks. Trampoline Parks are all about fun and adventure, drawing people of all ages. But, with all the fun, there can be challenges and risks. Akan Insurance understands what Trampoline Park owners need and guides you in opting the right  insurance coverage to deal with unexpected circumstances.

Trampoline Insurance is more than just basic coverage. It provides a strong protection plan for Trampoline Parks, covering accidents, equipment damage, and other surprises. Akan Insurance is here to make sure Trampoline Park owners can run their businesses confidently.

Why Choose Us?

At Akan Insurance, we specialise in addressing the unique insurance needs of trampoline parks in Edmonton and all over Alberta. Here’s why trampoline park owners choose us:

Expertise in High-Risk Industries

With a focus on medium and high-risk sectors, Akan Insurance brings a wealth of experience to trampoline park insurance. We understand the intricacies of the industry, allowing us to tailor coverage to your specific needs.

Proactive Risk Management

We go beyond insurance by helping trampoline park owners establish and enhance policies, procedures, and risk management practices. Our proactive approach aims to minimise risks and promote a safe environment for jumpers.

Claims Support

In the unfortunate event of a claim, Akan Insurance covers defence costs associated with investigating and defending claims. If a claim is deemed valid, we provide coverage for settlement or judgement amounts, subject to a deductible paid by the trampoline park owner.

What it covers?
Secure Jumps, Complete Coverage

Trampoline Insurance Coverage ensures safety, protecting against risks and promoting worry-free enjoyment.


Protection against bodily injury or property damage claims arising from trampoline park activities.


Coverage for alleged professional negligence, ensuring you’re protected against claims related to your duty of care.

Property Insurance

Safeguarding your physical assets, including trampolines, structures, and equipment, against covered perils like fire or theft.

Employee Training

Coverage for costs related to employee training materials and initiatives to enhance safety measures.

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Waiver Review

Akan Insurance reviews waivers and ensures compliance, offering guidance on retention processes and storage duration.

Client/Jumper Journey Coverage

Protection for the entire client/jumper experience, from entry to exit, ensuring safety.

We are dedicated to supporting Trampoline Park owners in Edmonton, Alberta and beyond. Contact us today to secure the best trampoline insurance coverage that aligns with your business needs and promotes a safe and enjoyable experience for jumpers.

What it covers? Secure Jumps, Complete Coverage

Trampoline Insurance Coverage ensures safety, protecting against risks and promoting worry-free enjoyment.

Award Winning

We’ve been awarded multiple times over the years, which kept pumping us up to keep innovating.

Expert Advice

To settle all your worries & sort all your queries, we have the dynamic expert advice services.

24/7 Claim

You can get a quote or your insurance claim at any time of the day. We’re 24*7 at your service.

Premium Financing

Receive an in-house insurance premium finance option that will make it easier for you to make timely payments.

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Best Rates

You will choose the best-priced insurance from more than 50 different insurance companies.

Customized Services

Different people have different requirements. We provide customized insurance services.

Get quality protection from a trusted Insurance Broker

Free Trampoline Park Insurance quote

    Imagine a Secure Future

    Who Needs Commercial Truck Insurance?

    • Independent truck drivers and owner-operators
    • Companies that provide commercial transportation
    • Any enterprise involving trucks, drivers, or any other activity related to transportation

    Basic commercial truck insurance is mandated by law and offers a choice of alternatives to customize your protection, whether you have one vehicle or a large fleet dispersed across the nation. Commercial truck insurance is tailored exclusively for trucks and cargo, as opposed to commercial auto insurance.

    What types of trucks do we cover?

    There are different types of trucks that can be classified into various categories, including small trucks, light trucks, medium trucks, heavy trucks, and very heavy trucks. Listed below are a handful of the types of trucks that we cover in Edmonton, Alberta

    Cargo Cutaway Vans
    Gravel/Dump Truck
    Sleeper Trucks
    Box Trucks
    Food Trucks
    Flatbed trailer
    Heavy trucks
    Tow Trucks
    Snow plows
    Big rig trucks
    Semi Trucks
    Haul truck

    Awards and achievements

    A-Kan Insurance, in recognition of the superiority of our commercial insurance services, has been honored with several prestigious awards. 

    For our efforts in this direction, we have won several awards for our work in Canada. We attribute this success to our insurance advisors. Their constant efforts and dedication leveraged our brand.


    Just look at what customers are saying about us

    Find Your Coverage

    We’re here to help you explore your coverage options.


    Trampoline Insurance is designed to provide coverage for a range of incidents, including both major accidents and minor injuries. It offers financial protection for the Trampoline Park in case of any injury-related claims, helping to manage the costs associated with medical expenses or legal liabilities.
    Determining the right amount of insurance coverage involves assessing the specific risks associated with the Trampoline Park. Factors such as the number of participants, the size of the facility, and the nature of activities should be considered. Akan Insurance experts can help in evaluating these factors to ensure the park has adequate coverage for its unique needs.
    Yes, implementing robust safety measures is crucial for Trampoline Parks. This includes regular equipment inspections, well-trained staff to monitor activities, clear safety guidelines for participants, and maintaining a secure environment. These measures not only enhance safety but also contribute to risk management, potentially lowering insurance premiums.
    The processing time for a claim can vary based on the specifics of the incident and the information provided. Akan Insurance aims to process claims as efficiently as possible, ensuring a timely resolution. Trampoline Parks can contact our claims team for guidance and support throughout the process.
    Trampoline Insurance typically covers a range of incidents, including injuries resulting from equipment malfunction, slips, and falls. It offers a broad scope of coverage to address various liabilities that may arise within the Trampoline Park, providing financial protection in the event of a claim.

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