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Be the Part of Something Bigger

Akan Insurance, an Insurance Brokerage Company headquartered in Edmonton, is thrilled to announce the expansion of its footprint, and we invite passionate and experienced insurance professionals to be a part of our success story. As a key player in the insurance industry, Akan Insurance has been honoured with the prestigious 'Best Insurance Brokerage Award' by the Insurance Business Network for three consecutive years. Additionally, we are proud recipients of the esteemed '5-Star Brokerages Award' for the year 2023.

As we actively seek to open new branches, we are on the lookout for individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit to join our Akan Family. Here, we foster an environment of collaboration, innovation, and excellence.

Your journey to professional fulfilment starts here

If you're an experienced and motivated insurance broker looking to make an impact, we want to hear from you! For more information on available territories, qualifications, and this exciting opportunity, please complete the request form below or reach out to us.

Fill up the form and letโ€™s get in touch!

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