Taxi/cab Insurance

Get Your Taxi/Cab Insured In Edmonton

Whether taxi driving is your livelihood or your business, being off the road can hurt you financially. We at A-Kan Insurance make sure that in any unfortunate event you are back on the road as quickly as possible. There are many different taxi insurance brokers in the market, but very few understand your needs as we do.

We offer a broad range of taxi car insurance policies that meet your specific requirements & needs, whether you operate a single vehicle or run a taxi fleet.  All we need is a few details about your vehicle(s) and the type of cover youโ€™re looking out for. Weโ€™ll then be able to give you an instant quote that could save you up to 40% on the cost of your existing premium.

What is Taxi Insurance?

As a taxi driver or organization that owns taxis or cabs, it is important for your taxi to be on the road.  As you spend much more of your time on the road than the average driver, often at unsociable hours and in inner-city regions, which statistically increases the risk of a mishap. The longer youโ€™re unable to work, the more money youโ€™re missing out on, that is why itโ€™s so vital for you to have the right cover which can protect you, your vehicle, and your livelihood.

Taxi insurance is different from a standard car policy because it protects you against the specific risks you face. As a taxi driver, taxi insurance can cover the vehicle, the driver, your passengers, members of the public, and their property to ensure your livelihood, so you can get back on the road as quickly as possible.

Here are a few levels of taxi/cab insurance cover, that includes:

Third party

As per the Canada motor vehicles act, this is the minimum level of cover you must have. It will cover you for any damage caused to a person, property, or someone elseโ€™s vehicle; but it does not provide any cover for you or your vehicle.

Third party fire and theft

This covers all third parties but also will protect your vehicle against damage caused by - fire (such as engine fires or external sources) or theft (loss or damage due to attempted theft).


This is the most extensive level of protection preferred by most taxi/cab owners. It includes all of the covers listed above while additionally protecting you and your vehicle against injury or damage.
Why choose us for taxi insurance services?

A-Kan Insurance is associated with more than 50 insurance providers. Picking insurance on the advice of A-Kan insurance brokers gives you the option of choosing the right taxi or cab insurance as per your requirement at great prices. You can ask your queries related to insurance to use & we promise to solve them all.

Procure the right life insurance & save your family from being a victim.

A-Kan Insurance believes in educating people in risk management & thus helps you to choose the right insurance coverage. Our friendly & supportive team is always there to support your business, weโ€™re just a call away.

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