Your Nonprofit Needs Insurance

Empowering Missions, Ensuring Futures: Nonprofit Insurance Brokers, Where Your Cause Comes First.

Nonprofit Insurance in Alberta

The experts at A-Kan insurance are here to help organizations that work for a good cause, making sure they have the right protection. Nonprofits face unique challenges, and our brokers understand that. We go beyond regular insurance to focus on the specific risk nonprofits deal with, like legal issues and volunteer management. Our nonprofit insurance brokers work like your well-wishers, helping organizations stay focused on their missions without worrying about unexpected problems.

Our brokers aren’t just about providing best nonprofit insurance; we also care about making the world a better place. We use our expertise to guide you, offering personalized service and a real commitment to the values that drives your organization. In essence, our nonprofit insurance brokers are your allies, helping you thrive and create a safer, more compassionate world.

Top Nonprofits that Need Help

Churches and religious organizations
Charitable organizations
Animal Shelters
Community Centers
Counseling and Referral Centers
Human and Social Services

Coverage that Fits Your Nonprofit Organization

General Liability Insurance

Your nonprofit organization may face legal claims due to accidents, injuries, or property damage during various activities. Our expert brokers can suggest general liability insurance for nonprofits, shielding your organization from financial losses and legal expenses related to third-party claims.

Property Insurance

Your nonprofit's physical assets, such as buildings and equipment, are always prone to risks like fire, theft, or natural disasters. Property insurance suggested by our nonprofit insurance broker ensures that your organization can recover financially if its physical assets are damaged or destroyed.

Professional Liability Insurance

Your organization might make mistakes or face legal claims due to errors in the professional services you provide, like advice or counseling. Our nonprofit insurance brokers act like a safety net for professional slip-ups, ensuring you to continue work without being overwhelmed by legal challenges.

Event Liability Insurance

Special events organized by your organization may expose it to certain liabilities. Event liability insurance suggested by our nonprofit insurance broker provides coverage for potential issues during these events, ensuring smooth operations in your organization.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)

Your organization may face lawsuits related to employment practices, such as discrimination or wrongful termination. Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) advised by our nonprofit insurance broker can protect your organization from the financial consequences of such legal claims.

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Injuries or illnesses are common among employees and may lead to financial burden for your organization. Our nonprofit insurance brokers suggest plans that cover health insurance for non profit employees and lost wages for workers injured on the job, reducing the financial burden for you.

Empathy in Every Policy

Our Nonprofit Insurance Brokers Are Determined to Provide You Expert Solutions. It Is Our Duty to Safeguard What Matters Most to You. You can also avail our services for other business insurance. We have professional brokers who have expertise and experience in other fields such as, commercial insurance, property insurance, vehicle insurance, and travel & health insurance.

Get Free Insurance Quote

    Secure Your Mission, Realise Your Impact!

    Contact us now for a personalized consultation – because when you’re protected, your mission works. Together, let’s build a safe future for your nonprofit organization.

    Non-Profit Organizations Insurance  FAQs

    Nonprofits need insurance to protect themselves from potential risks and liabilities associated with their activities. Non profit insurance companies ensure financial security in case of accidents, lawsuits, or unexpected events, allowing your organization to continue its mission without disruption.
    Your organization may need various types of nonprofit insurance, including General Liability for accidents, Directors and Officers (D&O) for leadership protection, Property Insurance for assets, and Professional Liability for mistakes in services. The specific coverage depends on your organization's activities and risks.
    Our brokers are your nonprofit insurance alliance who specialize in understanding the unique risks faced by nonprofits. They assist in identifying the right insurance coverages, customizing policies to the organization's needs, and navigating the complexities of insurance.
    The A-Kan broker will conduct a thorough assessment of your organization, considering its size, activities, and specific risks. Based on this evaluation, they'll recommend the most suitable nonprofit insurance coverage to safeguard your nonprofit effectively.
    Yes, Workers' Compensation is crucial even for volunteers. It provides coverage for medical expenses and lost wages if a volunteer is injured while performing duties for the organization. It helps fulfill the duty of care towards those contributing their time.
    Contact our nonprofit insurance experts for a free consultation. We'll discuss your organization's unique needs, assess potential risks, and tailor a comprehensive insurance solution to safeguard your mission. Get started today to ensure a secure future for your nonprofit!

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