Restaurant Insurance

A Place Where Your Restaurant Dreams Will Feel Safe

Restaurant Insurance Alberta

Your restaurant is more than just a place to eat; it’s a labor of love where your culinary passion and hard work come together. It’s a reflection of your unique recipes, dedication, and dreams. At A-Kan, we understand this deeply. We see your restaurant as a close project, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

With A-Kan restaurant insurance, we don’t just offer a policy; we become part of your team. We take the time to understand your business, what sets it apart, and what keeps it running smoothly. Our goal is to be more than just an insurance provider; we aim to be your trusted advisors, helping to secure your dreams.

Whether you’re starting a new venture or have been in the restaurant business for years, we offer competitive premiums and comprehensive coverage tailored to your needs. Join us on this journey, where we’re not just evaluating risks; we’re here to make your dreams secure.

Who Needs Restaurant Insurance?

Cafes/Coffee Shops
Fast Food Restaurants
Ice Cream Shops
Fine Dining Facilities
Full Service Restaurants
Bars and Pubs
Pizza Shops

Significance of Restaurant Insurance Brokers ?

Expert Help

Have someone on your side who knows all about this business and can help you get the right restaurant insurance coverage.

planning (1)
Personalised Plans

Get insurance plans that fit your restaurant perfectly, covering everything from accidents to things going wrong with your business.

Insurance Regulations

Make sure your restaurant business insurance is always right for you by having someone look at it regularly and make changes if needed.

Save Time and Energy

Let someone else take care of all the hard parts of managing your restaurant insurance, so you can focus on the business operations.

Future Growth Prospects

Work with someone who not only helps with insurance but also gives you advice on how to make your restaurant better and grow over time.

Employees Coverage

Make sure your workers are protected through insurance for restaurant employees, so everyone is safe and taken care of.

Why choose A-kan Insurance Brokers ?

Expert Help

Have someone on your side who knows all about this business and can help you get the right restaurant insurance coverage.

Personalised Plans

Get insurance plans that fit your restaurant perfectly, covering everything from accidents to things going wrong with your business.

Insurance Regulations

Make sure your restaurant business insurance is always right for you by having someone look at it regularly and make changes if needed.

Save Time and Energy

Let someone else take care of all the hard parts of managing your restaurant insurance, so you can focus on the business operations.

Future Growth Prospects

Work with someone who not only helps with insurance but also gives you advice on how to make your restaurant better and grow over time.

Employees Coverage

Make sure your workers are protected through insurance for restaurant employees, so everyone is safe and taken care of.

What Will Restaurant Insurance Cover for You and How?

Restaurant Property insurance

Restaurant Property Insurance

Donโ€™t wait until the situation knocks at your door.  Act before it happens. 

โ€œOne day I got a call from my restaurant, the entire seating area had caught fire. It was a huge loss to bear.โ€

Fire insurance for restaurants prevents you from ending up in such scenarios. It helps you to back up and keep running by covering the cost of accidents like vandalism and fire.

Restaurant Liability insurance

Protect Your Restaurant Against Unexpected Events.

Restaurant General Liability Insurance

“Last year, a customer slipped and fell in our restaurant. Dealing with the lawsuit was tough”

General liability insurance is crucial for restaurant owners. It covers legal expenses and injuries on your premises. From slip-and-fall incidents to product-related issues, this insurance protects your restaurant from costly lawsuits. Ensure your business’s safety โ€“ get general liability insurance today

Restaurant vehicle insurance

Commercial Auto Insurance

Safeguard Your Restaurant’s On-the-Road Operations.

โ€œLast month, a delivery driver had an accident on a food run. It was stressful and costly.โ€

For restaurant owners with delivery services or catering, commercial auto insurance is a must. It covers accidents and keeps your business safe on the road. From minor incidents to major collisions, this insurance ensures your restaurant is ready for anything. Don’t risk your success โ€“ invest in commercial auto insurance today

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    FAQ s

    Restaurant insurance is a special type of coverage designed to protect various aspects of your restaurant business. It includes coverage for property damage, general liability, employee-related risks, and more. You need it to secure your investment, adhere with legal requirements, and ensure financial protection against unexpected events.
    Restaurant insurance commonly covers property damage, general liability, product liability, liquor liability, business interruption, equipment breakdown, workers' compensation, and more. The specific coverage depends on the policy and your restaurant's needs.
    Restaurant insurance is related to the unique risks of the food industry. It includes specific coverages like food spoilage, liquor liability, and product liability that may not be part of general business insurance.
    A restaurant insurance broker at A-Kan specializes in understanding the unique risks of the restaurant industry. They can assess your specific needs, customize insurance plans, and provide expert advice to ensure your business is adequately protected.
    The cost of restaurant insurance is determined by factors such as the size of your restaurant, location, types of coverage needed, revenue, and the number of employees. Our insurance broker can help you find a plan that fits your budget.
    Absolutely. Our insurance providers offer coverage options tailored to the size and nature of your restaurant. Many have specialized plans for small businesses and startups to provide affordable and comprehensive protection.
    It's advisable to review your restaurant insurance coverage annually or whenever there are significant changes in your business, such as expansions, renovations, or changes in menu offerings. Regular reviews ensure that your coverage aligns with your current needs.
    Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to us and get a free quote. Provide details about your business to our restaurant insurance brokers, and let them guide you through the process of assessing your needs and finding the right coverage for your restaurant.

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