Business Insurance

disaster recovery plan


DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN FOR SMALL BUSINESS Did you know? For the second year in a row, Canada exceeded $3 billion in insured damage from natural catastrophes and other severe weather events. Natural catastrophes caused $3.1 billion in insured losses in 2023, making it the fourth costliest year on record after insurance companies paid out claims […]
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Business Insurance

How To Renew Business Insurance: A Complete Guide

How To Renew Business Insurance: A Complete Guide Did you know? Several key macroeconomic trends are having an impact on Canada’s commercial insurance market. As a business owner, it’s important to stay informed and proactive so you can navigate the complexities of the current insurance market and secure the right insurance coverage that meets your […]
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Small Business Insurance In Edmonton

Canadian Small Businesses Struggle With Insurance

Many Canadian Small Businesses Struggle With Insurance: 3 Facts That You Must Know More Canadian small businesses than ever are recognizing the need for adequate business insurance coverage, though some still struggle to obtain or renew a policy. Interestingly, 40% say they don’t have business insurance at all. That’s because, even though small businesses are […]
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Right insurance broker

Choose right insurance broker for your business

Choose right insurance broker for your business Finding the right insurance broker should go beyond ensuring your business is adequately covered in case something happens. It’s also about making sure your broker is the right fit and that you’re getting exceptional service, advises Lorie Phair, president of the Canadian Broker Network (CBN). Thankfully, the Canadian […]
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Questions to ask from a broker

Questions to ask your insurance broker

6 critical questions to ask your insurance broker Did you know? Last year, Canadian business and homeowners suffered the fourth worst year since 1983 in financial losses due to severe weather damage. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, severe weather events in 2020, including hail, wind (hurricanes, tornadoes), earthquakes, floods and wildfires, caused $2.4 […]
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