Month: July 2023

Navigating Effects of New Commute on Car Insurance

Navigating Effects of New Commute on Car Insurance

Many Canadians drove less during the pandemic because they worked from home. However, new work arrangements, such as hybrid work models (working both in the office and at home) and a return to full-time in-office work, have altered many drivers’ commutes.This means that there are more vehicles on the road than in previous years, with […]
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Side Hustle & Insurance Impact

Pros & Cons of a Side Hustle & Insurance Impact

Side Hustle and Its Impact on Insurance As Canadians face the challenges of rising inflation and higher interest rates, many of the individuals are seeking ways to supplement their earnings. A commonly embraced approach is engaging in a side hustle, involving freelance or part-time work alongside full-time employment. Nevertheless, like any financial decision, side hustles […]
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