Home Insurance

lower insurance premium

How Smart Home Devices Can Lower Your Insurance Premiums?

Smart Home Devices Can Lower Your Insurance Premiums? While 66% of homeowners own at least one smart home device, few realize this technology can help lower insurance premiums, a new survey has found. While smart sensors that monitor for water leaks have the most potential to reduce homeowners’ risks, only 7% of people surveyed make […]
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home insurance

5 Ways To Minimize Home Insurance Claims Due To Weather

5 Ways To Minimize Home Insurance Claims Due To Weather Natural disaster claims in Canada have more than quadrupled over the past 15 years. In 2023, the Canadian insurance industry paid out $3.1 billion in claims due to natural disasters including floods and wildfires that wreaked havoc across the country. For Canadians, these worsening disasters […]
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Insurance tips when buying your first home

Insurance tips when buying your first home You’ve bought your first home and you’re excited to finally move in. Congrats! While you’re probably thinking of what furniture to buy and dreaming up where to put all that Pinterest-worthy décor, it’s also important to ensure your brand-new home and belongings are properly protected, should anything happen. […]
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