
disaster recovery plan

Personal Disaster Recovery Plan

Personal Disaster Recovery Plan Canada is no stranger to natural disasters – facing a series of devastating events ranging from wildfires and floods to heat waves, hail and wind storms and even earthquakes. In fact, for the second year in a row, Canada exceeded $3 billion in insured damage from natural catastrophes and other severe […]
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Certificate of Insurance

What is a Certificate of Insurance (COI)?

What is a Certificate of Insurance? All small business owners, startups, independent contractors, and entrepreneurs need business insurance to protect their financials, businesses and professions from potential liability risks. But how do you know you’re insured when you’re forging new partnerships or signing contracts with a new customer? The answer is simple: you need a […]
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Insurance Broker

Is Skipping the Insurance Broker Really Saving You Money?

Is Skipping the Insurance Broker Really Saving You Money? Buying home and car insurance directly from insurance companies might seem beneficial at first. You may think it’s convenient, fast and cheap, and that you’re saving by ‘skipping the middleman’, in this case, the independent broker. But this is where most people are easily fooled. The […]
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Truck Driver's Challenges and Insurance

Behind the Wheels: Realities of a Truck Driver’s Life

In the big world of Canada’s transportation, truck drivers are like unsung heroes. They make sure things move smoothly by delivering goods all over the country. But, there’s more to their job than meets the eye. Let’s take a closer look at what truck drivers face every day and discover the ways that will help […]
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Smart Insurance Savings for Holidays

9 Strategies for Intelligent Insurance Savings

Make Smart Insurance Savings this Holiday Season As the holiday season approaches, managing expenses becomes a top priority for many Canadians, especially with the challenges of record-high inflation and increasing interest rates. While contemplating cost-cutting measures, it’s essential to save on insurance intelligently without compromising coverage. Here are some practical tips to navigate the path […]
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Insurance terms spotlight: ‘named insured’ on your business insurance policy

Protecting your name, securing your identity Understanding The nuances of business insurance can be quite complex, but one term that should never be overlooked is the ‘named insured.’As a Canadian business owner, knowing who is designated as the ‘named insured’ on your business insurance policy is critical. What is the ‘Named Insured?’ The ‘named insured’ […]
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Where can I get instant insurance quotes?

Where can I get instant insurance quotes?

Hassle Free & Instant Insurance Quotes In today’s fast-paced world, convenience and efficiency are highly valued. When it comes to insurance, obtaining instant quotes can save time and provide a quick overview of coverage options. Luckily, numerous online platforms and websites offer the convenience of instant insurance quotes. Finding insurance can be a difficult task. […]
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Insurance Policy Cancellation FAQ

Cancelling An Insurance Policy? Consider These Points Beforehand!

Insurance Policy Cancellation Are you thinking of switching to an insurance provider or cancelling your current insurance policy? There are some things you should consider before you cancel your insurance policy. What should I do before I cancel my insurance policy? It doesn't matter why or when you are considering cancelling your insurance policy. However, […]
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Local Insurance Broker Hiring Advices

Advices Before Hiring A Local Insurance Broker

5 Exclusive Advices To Work With A Local Insurance Broker The Canadian Insurance Market has grown so large that more than 150 insurance companies now provide insurance services to nearly 29 million Canadians. And, with these many Insurers in the country, deciding which company to go for and which policy to buy can be a […]
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Keep your insurance costs down

Ways to keep your insurance costs down

4 ways to keep your insurance costs down Insurance costs are not only more expensive these days, many Canadian businesses are struggling to renew their policies or get insurance at all. If you’re operating a business, especially one that’s been hardest hit by COVID-19, chances are you’re racking your brain trying to find ways to […]
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