Is Skipping the Insurance Broker Really Saving You Money?

Insurance Broker

Is Skipping the Insurance Broker Really Saving You Money?

Buying home and car insurance directly from insurance companies might seem beneficial at first. You may think it’s convenient, fast and cheap, and that you’re saving by ‘skipping the middleman’, in this case, the independent broker. But this is where most people are easily fooled. The advice of a licensed independent broker is about much more than getting a good insurance policy.


Independent brokers, are professional and knowledgeable advisors, and very importantly, are self-regulated and legally accountable for the advice they give you. When you buy directly from an insurance company agent, you may be buying a blanket, “cookie-cutter” insurance policy which, despite being attractive due to price perhaps, does not necessarily cover you for all your specific needs. 

In addition, you may be missing very valuable advice and customer service when it comes to understanding your insurance policy, what things you can do to help prevent losses, genuine care and help throughout a claim and how to stay on top of your renewal. That is because independent brokers are not owned by big corporate giants who are mainly profit driven, but they truly have their customers’ best interest at heart and hold themselves to the highest standards.

Independent brokers will help you:  

  • Find the best price by comparing a vast number of insurance company quotes
  • More importantly, find the right policy for your unique needs
  • Explain your insurance policy (because, who has time to read it anyways, right?)
  • Advise you on any coverage gaps (so you don’t have to hear you’re not covered for something bad after it’s happened)
  • Make recommendations for risk mitigation and management (to try avoid a loss in the first place)
  • Guide you through the entire claims process


Especially in the event of a claim – when you work with an independent broker, you have someone you can turn to right away to help you through the claim in a time you need it most. You don’t want to be left to deal with the insurance company on your own when you already have so much to deal with in the event something bad has happened. An independent broker will lead you through the process and explain your options. 

They stay on top of trends and the latest technology and innovation to bring you the best products and services. They also spend a lot of their time out of the publics’ eye advocating for insurance customer issues and influencing laws and regulations that will benefit customers. 

All things considered, skipping the middleman isn’t always the best option. Choosing an independent broker will get you the right policy at the best price. A-kan ensures quality service, accountability, risk mitigation support to avoid claims in the first place, and true care and support when it comes to making a claim. 


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