Month: June 2023

Insurance Market in 2023

Insights into the Insurance Market in 2023

A dig into current Insurance Market Businesses of all sizes will continue to encounter difficulties due to ongoing economic uncertainties, including factors such as inflation, geopolitical challenges, environmental disasters, and limitations on available capital. These trends, coupled with changes in risk assessment, are presenting four critical challenges for commercial insurers, impacting business coverages and rates. […]
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Insurance terms spotlight: ‘named insured’ on your business insurance policy

Protecting your name, securing your identity Understanding The nuances of business insurance can be quite complex, but one term that should never be overlooked is the ‘named insured.’As a Canadian business owner, knowing who is designated as the ‘named insured’ on your business insurance policy is critical. What is the ‘Named Insured?’ The ‘named insured’ […]
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