Month: April 2024

Certificate of Insurance

What is a Certificate of Insurance (COI)?

What is a Certificate of Insurance? All small business owners, startups, independent contractors, and entrepreneurs need business insurance to protect their financials, businesses and professions from potential liability risks. But how do you know you’re insured when you’re forging new partnerships or signing contracts with a new customer? The answer is simple: you need a […]
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home insurance

5 Ways To Minimize Home Insurance Claims Due To Weather

5 Ways To Minimize Home Insurance Claims Due To Weather Natural disaster claims in Canada have more than quadrupled over the past 15 years. In 2023, the Canadian insurance industry paid out $3.1 billion in claims due to natural disasters including floods and wildfires that wreaked havoc across the country. For Canadians, these worsening disasters […]
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Insurance Broker

Is Skipping the Insurance Broker Really Saving You Money?

Is Skipping the Insurance Broker Really Saving You Money? Buying home and car insurance directly from insurance companies might seem beneficial at first. You may think it’s convenient, fast and cheap, and that you’re saving by ‘skipping the middleman’, in this case, the independent broker. But this is where most people are easily fooled. The […]
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