Making an insurance claim: what to expect from your broker?

Insurance claim

Making an insurance claim: what to expect from your broker?

As much as we can, and should, try to prepare for and prevent accidents from happening, there are times when unforeseen events will just be out of our control. It’s in these times that we’re thankful we’ve purchased insurance. Yet while you probably wish you didn’t have to make an insurance claim nor try to navigate the claims process, this is where your insurance broker shines. Your broker will help you navigate the complex claims process to make it easier and less worrisome to get your settlement.

Top Reasons for Claims in 2021

Technically, a claim can happen for any reason – but the most common claims, as of the year 2020, are:



Wind damage


Auto theft

Brokers help you through your claim

Working with a broker from the means you never have to deal directly with your insurance company. Instead, you’ll contact your broker for everything from filing a claim to renewing your insurance policy. If you live in Alberta, it’s important to remember it’s a requirement to notify your insurance company within a certain timeframe of an auto accident, if it involves any damages to property or an injury. If you fail to do this your claim may be denied. However, when you work with an insurance broker, you need only inform them – and then they will help you through the entire process. Having a personal champion by your side, whether it’s a flooded basement or house fire, makes life easier, saves you time and additional stress as you recover from the incident. If you need to make a claim, your broker is there to ensure you receive fair and prompt payment so your life can get back to normal. Brokers are also there to be your personal advisor on all insurance matters; making sure your family, your possessions and your business are properly protected.

Brokers are always on your side

Your A-Kan broker always has your best interest at heart. When its necessary, brokers stand up to insurance companies on your behalf. Your A-Kan broker will advise you on how to best handle your claim while communicating with the insurance company on your behalf. If you’re ever in a dispute with your insurance company, your broker goes to bat for you, because that’s their job. Your broker advocates only for you, and their experience often accelerates their ability to settle disputes with insurance companies in your favour. It’s your broker’s job and passion to get to know you and your circumstances better and then leverage their own experience to properly advise you on your claim. It helps to know your policy’s coverage limits and specifics when submitting a claim – all of which your broker can help you with, ensuring you can focus on what matters most: recovering from the incident and getting your settlement to move on

Talk to our expert broker about your insurance needs today!.

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