Ways to Save Money on Commercial Insurance

Commercial Insurance

How to Save Money on Commercial Insurance without Compromising on Coverage?

The rising tide of inflation is leaving a mark on businesses across Canada. The cost of goods and services is on an upward trajectory, and for many business owners, every dollar counts. It might be tempting to cut costs on your commercial insurance by, for example, opting for higher deductibles and lower liability limits, but this strategy could lead to inadequate coverage and financial risk in the event of a claim.

Here are some ways to save smartly on your commercial insurance without cutting corners on essential protection – so you can focus on growth and success in the challenging economic landscape:

> Know Your Risks and Coverage Needs

Understanding the specific risks associated with your business and the corresponding coverage requirements is the first step towards smart savings on insurance.

• Risk Assessment: Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential liabilities, asset values, and business interruption scenarios.
• Customised Coverage: Opt for coverage tailored to your business needs rather than a one-size fits-all policy.

> Bundle Your Policies

Just like your personal insurance, bundling multiple commercial insurance policies with a single insurance company may lead to significant discounts. Talk to your insurance broker about Multiple Policy Discounts available when bundling policies such as property, liability, and auto insurance.

> Shop Around

The insurance market is competitive, and premiums can vary widely among insurance companies for similar business insurance coverage. Your broker will shop around for you and provide you with competitive quotes from multiple insurers. Your broker will help you understand the different coverages, limits and premiums so you can make an informed decision.

> Use an Independent Insurance Broker 

Consider using an independent insurance broker, like those affiliated with Canadian Broker Network – Canada’s largest network of independent insurance brokers. CBN brokers have your best interests at heart – they operate independently and in your local area, and they will ensure they understand your business in and out, to help find the best rates and coverage for your business.

> Opt for a Higher Deductible Wisely

While a higher deductible can lower your premium, ensure it's an amount your business can comfortably afford in the event of a claim. Assess your financial capacity to handle higher deductibles without straining your cash flow.

> Take Advantage of Available Discounts

Insurance companies often offer discounts for various reasons such as being claim-free or implementing safety programs. Your broker can help inquire about available discounts and help you take steps to qualify for them.

> Review Your Coverage Annually 

Your business operations and assets may change over time, necessitating a review of your insurance coverage to ensure it remains adequate. Conduct an annual review with your insurance broker to adjust your coverage as needed and ensure there are no coverage gaps. 

> Take Advantage of Available Discounts

Insurance companies often offer discounts for various reasons such as being claim-free or implementing safety programs. Your broker can help inquire about available discounts and help you take steps to qualify for them.

> Invest in Loss Prevention Measures

Investing in loss prevention can reduce the likelihood of claims, which in turn can lower your premiums.

1. Safety and Security: Implement robust safety and security measures to prevent accidents, theft, and other potential claims.

2. Regular Maintenance: Ensure regular maintenance of premises and equipment to avoid unexpected breakdowns and related claims.

3. Employee Training: Train your employees on safety protocols and emergency procedures to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries. Encourage a culture of safety and awareness.

4. Fire Prevention: Install fire alarms, sprinklers, and ensure clear evacuation routes to minimize the risk and impact of fire.

5. Cybersecurity Measures: Implement cybersecurity measures, including educating employees, to protect against data breaches and cyber-attacks, which can also lead to significant financial claims.

6. Claims Management System: Develop a claims management system to efficiently handle any claims that do arise, minimising the financial and operational impact on your business. Promptly address and resolve claims to prevent them from escalating and affecting your insurance premiums.

7. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning: Establish a business continuity and disaster recovery plan to ensure your operations can quickly resume after a disruptive event. Having a solid recovery plan in place can reassure your insurance provider about your business's resilience, possibly leading to lower premiums.

In conclusion, prioritising smart savings on commercial insurance ensures financial security without compromising protection.

For tailored guidance and comprehensive coverage options, connect with Akan Insurance today. Our team is committed to safeguarding your business interests and providing peace of mind in uncertain times.

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