5 Essential Insurance Tips

Renting out a property? 5 Crucial Tips

Renting out your property, whether for the long term or short term, can indeed be a lucrative source of income. However, it’s crucial to grasp the insurance implications and ensure you’re adequately covered.


When you rent out your property, the tenant becomes responsible for their personal property insurance. Your homeowners insurance may not cover damages or losses tied to the tenant or their activities. Speaking to your broker is essential to comprehend your existing policy's scope. Additional insurance might be necessary to safeguard against potential losses, such as coverage for:

~ Tenant Liability
~ Personal Property
~ Rental Income

If you’re engaged in short-term rentals, like Airbnb, it’s wise to verify with your insurer if your policy includes potential liabilities associated with such rentals.

By following these five tips, you can safeguard yourself and your property when renting it out:

5 Crucial Insurance Tips for Renting Out Your Property

1. Know Tenant Insurance Coverage: Before renting your property, ask tenants for renters insurance proof. This ensures they have adequate coverage for personal property damage, injuries, or other incidents.

2. Short-Term Rental Insurance: For short-term rentals, consider short-term rental insurance. It covers specific risks tied to short stays, including property damage and tenant injuries.

3. Sufficient Property Coverage: Ensure your homeowners insurance adequately covers property damage due to tenant negligence. Add endorsements for tenant-caused damage.

4. Liability Coverage Understanding: Your homeowners insurance covers liability claims from tenant injuries or visitors. Yet, grasp policy limits and supplement with extra liability coverage if necessary.

5. Tenant Default Insurance: Opt for tenant default insurance to protect against rental payment defaults. It provides financial security if tenants fail to pay rent.

To discuss your Insurance requirements, talk to your local Akan Insurance broker today. Their expertise will guide you in securing the right coverage for your renting ventures.

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