Year: 2022

money saving

5 ways to save on your insurance

Spent too much this holiday season? 5 ways to save on your insurance Did you know? If you’re like most people across the globe, then money is probably tight after a record-breaking holidayshopping season.A recent survey predicted holiday season spending between November and December 2021 wouldgrow 8-10% compared to the year before. More consumers than […]
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event insurance

Know why you need to get event insurance

Why you need to get event insurance? Kicking off the new year with more restrictions to help curb the rapid spread of the Omicron variant has left many Canadians wondering when we’ll get to enjoy our favourite concerts and events again. Whilst in the summer we got a taste of attending concerts, shows and other […]
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Insurance tips when buying your first home

Insurance tips when buying your first home You’ve bought your first home and you’re excited to finally move in. Congrats! While you’re probably thinking of what furniture to buy and dreaming up where to put all that Pinterest-worthy décor, it’s also important to ensure your brand-new home and belongings are properly protected, should anything happen. […]
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