Year: 2022

Small Business Insurance In Edmonton

Canadian Small Businesses Struggle With Insurance

Many Canadian Small Businesses Struggle With Insurance: 3 Facts That You Must Know More Canadian small businesses than ever are recognizing the need for adequate business insurance coverage, though some still struggle to obtain or renew a policy. Interestingly, 40% say they don’t have business insurance at all. That’s because, even though small businesses are […]
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Insurance broker

Reasons to choose an independent insurance broker

Reasons to choose an independent insurance broker and how to find one If you’re new to the world of insurance, or are in the process of purchasing your first policy, you might be wondering: what’s an insurance broker? Do I need one? What do they do? “An insurance broker is someone who can get you […]
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money saving

5 ways to save on your insurance

Spent too much this holiday season? 5 ways to save on your insurance Did you know? If you’re like most people across the globe, then money is probably tight after a record-breaking holidayshopping season.A recent survey predicted holiday season spending between November and December 2021 wouldgrow 8-10% compared to the year before. More consumers than […]
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Insurance tips when buying your first home

Insurance tips when buying your first home You’ve bought your first home and you’re excited to finally move in. Congrats! While you’re probably thinking of what furniture to buy and dreaming up where to put all that Pinterest-worthy décor, it’s also important to ensure your brand-new home and belongings are properly protected, should anything happen. […]
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