Home Insurance


Home Insurance In Edmonton

Finally, you have purchased your dream home in Edmonton, Alberta. The next step would be to safeguard your home with the best home insurance. We can help you to solve your purpose. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or have purchased a home before, A-Kan brokers can help you to protect your property by offering the best advice in Edmonton, Alberta.

We at A-Kan Insurance understand the ins & outs of the insurance industry very well & this makes us confident to help you pick the right insurance for your home. Your home is responsible for making you feel safe and protecting you from all kinds of harm. Our work is to protect your property by offering the best home insurance coverage as per your requirement.

Why you need home protection?

Your home needs protection as much as you do. Whether you reside in a home or you live on rent, you need to shield your personal properties, contents, and your living space from possible property damages. Here are a few of the specific risks you might face if you don’t go for home insurance

Bursty pipes due to cold weather

Edmonton in Alberta has extremely cold weather & this could cause freezing pipes in your house. This in turn can lead the water pipes to burst. This is the most common reason which can result in damage to your property.

A huge fire

Fire can cause significant damage to your home & the contents inside it. Fire detectors are always helpful in such conditions, but they are not always the final solution. Securing your house with home insurance can make things easy.

Sewage pipe backup issue

This again can cause a huge loss to your home & property. It can be the result of anything like water clogging, old or bad conditioned pipes, or an overflow of the municipal system.

What is covered in Home Insurance?

Since your home is your most precious treasure, at A-Kan Insurance we take extra care in finding you the best home insurance provider companies in Edmonton, Alberta to give you the most extensive coverage within your budget. We ensure you the peace of mind you deserve as a homeowner. What all features will be covered in your policy will entirely depend on the insurance plan you choose. Here are a few of the coverages that you might be willing to go for:

Home or dwelling protection

This is basic coverage that secures the property itself. It typically includes the structures attached to your home, for instance, the garage area.

Contents of home

A home insurance coverage doesn’t just include the home itself. Most policies cover the things inside your house also, for instance, electronics items, different types of furniture, and even clothing could be covered.

Personal liability

What if someone slips and falls on your property in Edmonton, Alberta? In that case, you could be liable for their injuries. At this point, personal liability insurance will cover your legal costs and any medical costs of the injured party as well.

At A-Kan Insurance we make sure you have the right home insurance that does not hassle you with a late claim response. We not only find you the right coverage for property damage but also safeguard your home contents. Your car, motorcycle, paintings, electronics, jewelry, antiques, and other valuable collectibles are also taken under the shield.

What isn't covered in Home Insurance?

It entirely depends on what policy you have purchased, your home insurance coverage won’t cover everything. Here are a few things you might not be covered for.


An uninsurable peril is something insurance companies usually don’t provide coverage for. For instance, if your home is in an area that has flooded many times in the past, then in that case it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get flood coverage.

Wear and tear

The damage that is caused as your home gets older is not covered under home insurance.

Sewer backup

This is not covered under a basic home insurance policy. It’s additional coverage you can add to your policy.

Why choose us?

Our trustworthy and experienced brokers will take the load off your shoulders by comparing home insurance rates in Alberta and finding the correct property insurance according to your needs.

Procure the right home insurance & protect your property from any future damage.

A-Kan Insurance believes in educating people in risk management & thus helps you to choose the right insurance coverage. Our friendly & supportive team is always there to support your business, we’re just a call away.

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