Home Insurance in Ontario

Whether you own a home, or condo or live in a rented space, our brokers will help you secure the right home insurance in Ontario at the best prices. 


    Home Insurance in

    Group 273


    Group 270


    Group 272


    Group 273 (1)


    Group 275


      Secure Your Home with Expert Guidance

      Protecting your home is one of the most important steps towards securing your financial future. At Akan Insurance, we understand the unique challenges faced by homeowners in Ontario. That’s why we offer expert guidance to help you find the best insurance solution for your house or condo. Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or have been living in your house for decades, our brokers are here to guide you every step of the way. 

      Customized Insurance for Every Need

      Home Insurance
      Homeowner’s Insurance

       Protects your house, possessions, and liability. 

      Home Insurance
      Tenant Insurance

       Keeps your belongings safe while renting.

      Home Insurance
      Condo Insurance

      Tailored coverage for your condominium unit.

      Secure Your Home From Losses

      Get a competitive Home Insurance quote in minutes.
      Home Insurance

        Protect Your Home with the Right Insurance

        Home insurance isn’t mandatory in Ontario, but it’s a crucial step in protecting your investment. Most mortgage lenders require it and it also gives you the peace of mind knowing that your home and belongings are secured. 

        It offers 3 key coverages, for example, dwelling safeguards your home’s structure against risks like fire, theft, and wind. Contents coverage protects your belongings in the home such as appliances, electronics, and more. Liability protection covers legal and medical costs if someone gets injured on your property. 

        Get the Right Coverage with A-Kan Insurance

        Home Insurance

        Home Insurance Broker in Ontario

        Whether you own or rent a home, protecting your property and belongings stands first.

        We make sure that every corner of your home is protected against the
        unexpected with A-Kan Insurance Broker.

        We acknowledge that your home is the biggest asset and essential investment. Home is the place where you make memories. Certainly, you need to protect this asset from various unwanted incidents, like:


        A home insurance policy is unable to prevent these incidents; however, it can provide recovery from their occurrence and safeguard you from financial deprivation. We engage in negotiations with the insurance companies and support you throughout the process.

        Bundle Your Home & Auto Insurance

        Bundle your auto and home or auto and renters insurance at A-Kan Insurance to save big on your insurance premiums. Enjoy discounts ranging from 25% to 30% by bundling these types of insurance. Protect your most valuable assets while keeping costs low and insurance comprehensive.

        Why Choose A-kan Insurance?

        Home Insurance
        Best Prices

        Get access to a variety of cost-effective options tailored to your budget. 

        Home Insurance
        Instant Quotes

        Get quotes within 10-15 minutes saving you time and hassle.

        Home Insurance
        Expert Guidance

         Our brokers simplify the process, guiding you at every step. 


        Just look at what customers are saying about us

        Awards and achievements

        A-Kan Insurance has garnered many awards due to its excellent insurance brokerage services. We have been successful in garnering several awards here in Canada towards this effort. We credit our success to the hard work and dedication of our insurance advisors and their ability to strengthen our brand.

        Live Life Without Worries

        Significance Of Homeowners Insurance

        Why do you need Home Insurance?
        • Protects your most essential investment.
        • Offers protection from misadventures in your home
        Who should opt for Home Insurance?
        • Existing homeowners
        • First-time home buyers

        How to Insure Your Home?

        medical-insurance 1
        Choose your coverage

        Let our brokers know your home insurance needs and they’ll provide you the right options.

        application 1
        Apply for a policy

        We’ll handle the paperwork and ensure your home is protected without any hassle.

        Home Insurance
        Stay Protected

        Our expert insurance brokers provide ongoing support to keep your home secure.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        No, while it is not mandatory it is best to have home insurance to get help with mortgage and gives you peace of mind.

        Yes, we provide you with home and auto insurance policies bundling and renters and auto insurance bunbling options. This can save you upto 25-30% on your policies.

        Contact our brokers immediately, we will help throughout the process.

        The cost changes as per your requirement, contact our insurance broker to get the right home insurance in Ontario.

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