Protect Your Commercial Vehicle

Get coverage for all your commercial usage vehicles.

Commercial Vehicle : Auto & Car Insurance Calgary

Several businesses rely on transportation modes to carry on the process of their business. Be it the use of vehicles or trailers for job-related equipment, goods, or other materials, there is always a risk associated with the vehicles on the move. Therefore, it is essential to secure your vehicles with the right commercial vehicle insurance in Calgary. At A-kan Insurance, we specialize in providing tailored commercial auto insurance Calgary for your business. Whether you use a fleet of trucks or single vehicles for deliveries, commercial car insurance in Calgary can help your business stay safe. Our expert brokers ensure you get the best coverage for your vehicles helping you protect them from unforeseen risks.

Be it a taxi, cab, auto, commercial fleet, truck, bus, or others, we’ve got the right protection for your vehicle. We help you secure the most important asset of your business with the right commercial vehicle insurance. 

Why A-Kan Insurance?


Our brokers are experienced experts in commercial auto insurance.


We offer unique solutions to your unique business and other needs.


We have strong partnerships with reputed commercial insurance carriers..


We strive to deliver the best customer service in auto insurance Calgary. 

team (1)

We go above & beyond to offer comprehensive risk management.


From quotes to claims, we ensure a hassle-free experience for you.

Get complete protection from commercial auto & car insurance brokers

Free commercial car insurance quote

    Imagine a Secure Future

    What is secured under Commercial Auto Insurance in Calgary?

    Our coverage for commercial auto and car insurance in Calgary extends beyond minor damages. It encompasses everything, such as:

    • Safety and well-being of drivers & passengers while the vehicle is operated. 
    • Safety & protection of your clients when they are engaging with your business.
    • Safety of the general public in case of accidents or incidents involving your vehicle.
    • Everyday protection of your vehicle against all circumstances. 
    • Protecting your company against potential lawsuits and liabilities. 
    • Shielding you from business interruptions that occur post-accidents. 


    Need of Commercial Vehicle Insurance Calgary

    Commercial auto or car insurance is necessary when you use vehicles for business purposes. If your business requires daily use of vehicles then you should consider it. Below is a list of situations you would typically require commercial vehicle insurance:

    Business-owned vehicles

    if your business has its vehicles for usage like vans, trucks, cars, etc then commercial auto insurance is necessary.

    Employee used vehicles

    if your employees use the vehicle for business purposes then having commercial auto or car insurance is important.

    Towing services

    if your business is involved in hauling goods, machinery, or anything else then commercial vehicle insurance can protect you.

    Hired vehicles

    if you frequently use vehicles not owned by your business then having non-owned commercial auto insurance is great choice.


    if your business involves frequent contact with passengers then a commercial car or auto insurance can help safeguard both parties.

    Cost of Commercial Auto Insurance

    The cost of Commercial Auto insurance varies depending on several factors: 


    your business location can affect the cost as it may change due to risks associated with different regions.


    the type of vehicle you own also influences the cost as premium differs on cars, autos, trucks, vehicles, and others.


    the number of vehicles you own can play a great role in determining costs. In simple terms, more vehicles may amount to cost.


    the experience of drivers also changes the cost as higher experience ensures more safety and overall security.


    the nature of your business also affects the insurance cost and the industry you are associated with might also affect it


    If your company has a history of frequent claims or high-value claims, it may result in higher premiums.

    Types of commercial auto we cover

    At A-kan Insurance, we cover comprehensive coverage for commercial auto and car insurance. But it also includes: 


    Commercial Trucks
    Cars and Fleets
    Taxis and Rideshare Vehicles
    Buses and Coaches
    Construction Vehicles
    Food Trucks
    Refrigerated Trucks
    Specialty Vehicles
    Commercial Trailers

    How do we get your Commercial Vehicle Insurance?

    medical-insurance 1

    insurance policies differ widely, therefore we pick the best for you.

    application 1

    we ensure a hassle-free procedure once you have applied. 

    Home Insurance

     our brokers ensure you & your vehicle are protected.

    Find Your Coverage

    We’re here to help you explore your coverage options.

    Awards and achievements

    A-Kan Insurance, in recognition of the superiority of our commercial truck insurance services, has been honored with several prestigious awards. 

    For our efforts in this direction, we have won several awards for our work in Canada. We attribute this success to our insurance advisors. Their constant efforts and dedication leveraged our brand.


    Just look at what customers are saying about us

    Commercial Trucking Insurance FAQs

    Our commercial vehicle insurance policy covers a wide range of vehicles involved in business use. These can be cars, autos, trucks, vans, et
    Various factors can influence commercial auto insurance premiums like number, industry, usage, and the coverage you need.
    Yes, it is necessary if the employee uses it for commercial purposes to ensure safety and security. And also to cover the cost that might occur due to the damage.
    Yes, we are always here to help you with all your queries and questions. Reach out to us regarding all your doubts.

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