5 ways to protect yourself from cyber-crime at home


Protect yourself from cybercrime at home

With more connected devices at home and an increase in people working from home since the start of COVID-19, more consumers are at risk for personal cyberattacks than ever before, as per Vishal Kundi, CEO and co-founder of Boxx Insurance, a Toronto-based firm that specializes in cybersecurity and insurance.

A report from the internet security giant Norton found that 80% of people who responded to potential phishing emails experienced identity theft, money stolen from their bank accounts, credit cards opened in their name, & unauthorized apps installed on their devices (mobiles/laptops/desktops, etc.)

4 Cyber risks you didn’t know can leave you vulnerable
  1. Sharing passwords with friends or family.
  2. One of the fastest-growing cybercrimes are hackers accessing webcams on home computers.
  3. Connected baby monitors or toys – Hackers can tap into video or audio connected to your home network.
  4. Accessing financial apps and email via unsecured public Wi-Fi connections.
5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Cybercrime At Home
Vishal Kundi of Boxx Insurance offers the following advice:

1. Updated software: Keep the software on your computers and mobile devices up to date. Using the latest security software, web browser, and (OS) operating systems are the best defenses against viruses, malware, and other online threats. You can turn on automatic updates to receive the newest fixes as they become available for you.

2. Strong passwords: Set strong passwords and secure your internet connection. Always protect your home wireless network with a complex password. While connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, be cautious about what information you are sending over it.

3. Phishing scams: Watch out for phishing attacks that use fraudulent emails and websites to trick users into disclosing private accounts or login information. Never click on links or open any attachments or pop-up screens from any unfamiliar sources.

4. Keep personal information personal: Hackers can use social media profiles to figure out your passwords and answer those security questions in password reset tools. Always lock down your privacy settings and try to avoid posting things like birthdays, addresses, mother’s maiden name, etc.  Never connect with people you don’t know personally.

5. Shop safely: Before shopping online, make sure the website uses secure technology. When you’re at the checkout screen, verify that the website address begins with "HTTPS" and check that a tiny locked padlock symbol that appears next to the URL of the page.

We hope that these tips can help you to protect yourself from cybercrime at home. If you still want to know more our team is always available for you, to get insurance against cybercrime you can contact us.

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