Super Visa Insurance

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Super Visa Insurance in Edmonton

Ever since the Canadian government launched the Super Visa program on December 1st, 2011, the grandparents, parents, and immediate family members of the Canadian citizens became eligible to visit and make a stay for a maximum of two years, without leaving Canada. It is a multiple entry visa and it is valid for ten years.

A-Kan Insurance offers a free super visa Insurance quote in Edmonton to help you get a plan as per your needs. We keep specific health-related questions into consideration so we can help you find the most suitable super visa insurance plan that you can afford by researching and comparing market competitive prices.

To apply for a Parent or Grandparent Super Visa for Canada, you need emergency medical insurance that stands valid for at least one year and from a Canadian Insurance company. This is where we come in. A-Kan Insurance makes sure that upon your arrival to Canada, you have the coverage for any emergency medical care or hospitalization.
Super Visa Medical Insurance will provide protection from the expenses of medical bills. This covers the grounds of any illnesses that occurred during your stay in Canada or any accidents that occurred. The expenses covered under super visa insurance include hospital visits, ambulance, and medicinal drugs.

This insurance plan is designed to cover only medical emergencies, routine checkups are not covered. Treatments for mental health (Life Ins) that were not diagnosed in Canada during your stay are also not under the coverage.

Fill out the form & get the super visa insurance at the best rates available.

A-Kan Insurance believes in educating people in risk management & thus helps you to choose the right insurance coverage. Our friendly & supportive team is always there to support your business, we’re just a call away.

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